Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Embrace the Journey

Embrace the Journey
Written and composed
by Tami Davis

Though life can be a burden so very hard to bear
The heaviness of grief and pain of which you are aware
It’s hard to see the purpose or why you should go on
Discouragement surrounds you and feels so very strong.

Embrace the journey each moment of your life
Breathe in the gift and fill your soul with light
That you can find the wisdom experience can give
Endowing you with freedom of how you choose to live.


And then you start to wonder by seeing what is true
That light and dark have meaning and help you to renew
The inner strength and power that comes from deep inside
You get to choose the path you take you truly can decide. So


When struggles come upon you and fear engulfs your soul
You gently breathe in calmness for now you truly know
Experience is life’s teacher, with knowledge you’re aware,
Through faith and hope you’re filled with joy you’ll find the lessons there.

Endowing you with freedom for now you truly can live.

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